1346269 - Fibonacci Features and Websites From The Psychology of Shortcuts

Some Fibonacci sequences, might deliver a gawp or three,
because the Fibonacci sequence expands with sweet liberality.
branches here spreading to factors there, factors societally feted,
when the Fibonacci sequence comes, we feel that we've been treated,
to another precious treat of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence shows to have a knowing way with words,
for even our colorful language, devolves to but numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts uses the Fibonacci sequence(s),
because they empower intentional, focused consequences,
where excellence is certainly not happening by accident,
empowering, happy, helping others to help themselves.
Seek mathematical joys within the Fibonacci sequence.
We get more of what we expect than what we hope for.
Deep within you resides genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is your day for reversing YOUR routine mediocrity.
Today you make the tiniest decision to squeeze one more.
One percent of who and what you are is a small investment,
one you are certain to be repaid for, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
Some 99 of 100 of your opinions are opinions of those you trusted.
Today, you suspend opinions to listen to more of those who do more.
Whomsoever that YOU most admire,
reduce all that unprofitable chatter,
to begin imitating YOUR champions.
Petty chat does not expand mastery.
Who does it the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and tends to teach the best, to all the rest.
For the next three weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
Thus, 01123581321345589.com is yet another Psychology of Shortcuts tribute site to Fibonacci.

1346269 is the thirty-first term of the Fibonacci series, routinely recited by MisterShort as a brain-booster,
because the brain is comparable to other muscles: With use, or lack of it, comes greater function, or lesser.
Whether you accidentally collide with 1346269 by what you may construe, wisely or otherwise, as coincidence,
or whether you decide to employ the use of 1346269 intentionally in the course of administering the affairs of life,
do not be surprised at the depth of influence of Fibonacci, numbers that appear more than all others, even combined!
Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity are rich with unvarying support for using the Fibonacci numbers.
Even the design and crafting of Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts intentionally use Fibonacci numbers.
Why? A growing body of evidence to surmise that engaging Fibonacci terms intentionally has a tendency to attract prosperity.
Considering that there is no discernible financial pressure from using Fibonacci terms, the freedom of use is a warm attraction.
Thus and so, the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity host a dozen-plus fibonacci-related domains and websites.

The next time you look at something, notice one or even two extra details that you might normally tend to overlook.
This tiny trick is more powerful than you prove to know, based on your limited use of this reliably productive secret.
The one act of pushing yourself to notice one more detail, two more details, sharpens several separate brain areas.
This invokes and stimulates several skills that you might very well not have used since days of your early childhood.
There is NO learning curve required: You already know how to notice things, and have for all of your life up until now.
The difference is for you to simply use this trick more often, as the master secret of the universe you will find it to be.
Fibonacci and 1346269 proffer Shapetalk and Fibonacci, typically, in that it is typical to find multiple layers of profit.
The second PowerGem in just this one EyeCandy Shapetalk is that you must find the second & third layers, and more.
The urgency is because, no matter how great a piece of wisdom is, it's additional layers tend to be even more profitable.
Whether you use 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, and so on, go ahead and try Fibonacci on for size.
Should an intentional, repeat use of Fibonacci not add even more to your Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity,
you are always, of course, welcome to return to any other method of choosing numbers to include in anything that you undertake.
Taking greater control of your resources and circumstances is the core of your Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity.
While none of us can stop the wind from blowing at us in life, the choice is ours in how we choose to direct that natural force of our lives.

It's not the event that determines the outcome,
it is how we choose to RESPOND to that event.




0112358.info - First seven digits of the Fibonacci sequence
01123581321345589144.net - yielding a Fibonacci baker's dozen
01123581321345589.com - 1st twelve Fibonacci numbers all lined up
0112358132134.com - Sweet run of the 1st ten Fibonacci sequence digits
121393.com - Clipping the Fibonacci sequence to include even mid-level digits.
196418.com - Each piece of Fibonacci, including 196418, continues to add to your power.
2178309.com - Increasing participation with the Fibonacci sequence proves beneficially utile.
- Even a number seemingly as random as 14930352 increases your Fibonacci power.
24157817.com - Akin to 1346269, the Fibonacci set includes 24157817, repeatedly, so, make hay with it.
3524578.com - Despite being only seven digits, which is NOT a Fibonacci number, 3524578 proves powerful.
317811.com - With a nice ring to it, 417811 even SOUNDS as if it belongs in the Fibonacci sequence, which it does.
514229.com - So much like 317811, 514229 is both a Fibonacci number, and a candidate based just on the sound of it.
832040.com - This is the next sequence in a consecutive trio of numbers from the endless Fibonacci sequence.
5702887.com - Five million is a big number to humans, although this is a relatively small Fibonacci number.
39088169.com - Whew! 39,088,169 - even as the numbers rise, the totality of Fibonacci dwarfs numbers.
63245986.com - The Psychology of Shortcuts x 63,245,986: Fibonacci is among your big answers.
9227465.com - Not too unlike an easy-to-remember phone number, Fibonacci communicates.
354224848179261910000.com - the largest Psychology of Shortcuts non-Fibonacci website.
354224848179261915075.com is more appropriate, as it's the 100th Fibonacci number.
That number in the sequence, beyond 354 quintillion, is still small to Fibonacci.
It expands to a place that only Fibonacci and mathematical experts deign to visit.
Memorizing a new Fibonacci term per day or week is a potent, useful brain excercise,
one that produces for you many more benefits than the immediately obvious one of memory.


Worldwide Fibonacci Capital - A Global Gift and Delight

The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity serve to be YOUR Global Fibonacci Capital,
where the technologives of yesteryear are, FAR from anachronistic, tools for your best use in the present.
Whatever consistently works best is, by definition not new, since it takes time to prove it repeatedly.

Living within the Psychology of Shortcuts is as potent,
and no less accelerating a method, as any other published
Replicating the actions of winners tends to replicate their results.

Secrets of Success - Yielding More With The Psychology of Shortcuts

Find more yield from within yourself, added to the assets you have access to.
Boost yourself and your results nicely upwards with the Psychology of Shortcuts.
Realize that picking up three minutes per day is a thousand per year, of YOUR best.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Make the time each night to create a written agenda, the 5 most vitals goals of the morrow.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Since there is no cost or charge for you to try these methods for rapid acceleration, let yourself try.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are powerful shortcuts of masters and millionaires, great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Psychology of Shortcuts is here for your life.
These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!
The Psychology of Shortcuts encourages you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Never form opinions on new information until you have examined and made use of that info.

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No Charge To You - Let's help the helpless with free clicks that produce FREE FOOD

One clickthrough - one life saved
With a couple of clicks, free food from corporate sponsors is donated for starving children, animals, etc.
Click To Save A Life - Live YOUR Psychology of Longevity

Hunger and Poverty:
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Live the Psychology of Longevity
Help others to live stronger longer
BE Your Psychology of Shortcuts
Giving Means Getting

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When you click this food button and the one that pops open, a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
What sweeter function can the Psychology of Shortcuts provide?

You become MY hero, my heroine ...


Find and build the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity within you. You're worth it.
When you duplicate the efforts of your yesterday, you must expect the same or similar results, yes?

By increasing your efforts even one miniscule percent, you will find the mastery awaiting your call.

That one percent, added up for a hundred days, and even unto a thousand and more days of improvement,
will elicit the best of the Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts already within you.


Psychology of Longevity Secrets - Use What You HAVE!!!

Since the Psychology of Longevity is, naturally, already a part of you,
embrace the secrets of the Psychology of Longevity as a part of your daily life.
You are certain to be pleased in so many different ways. Live it yourself in pleasure.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.
If you like, do each set of repetitions in Fibonacci numbers, whether 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, or 55.
Fibonacci can be a habit after you determine its value. Thus, encouragement to "Fibonaccify."

HealthGems from your Psychology of Longevity tend to be well worth repeating, in all of these many ways.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Psychology of Longevity and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails you in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Learning just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
Search out natural answers to every health challenge.
Each health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
After so many disastrous injuries, the proof is pure.
Natural answers do not kill as do allopathic drugs.
Learn more, often, for you are likely to live more.
If you knew better, we'd watch you doing better.
Give attention to those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.
Where you can, include Fibonacci numbers.
Better living is mostly just better decisions.

Such is your Psychology of Longevity.
Fibonacci or not, live life naturally.

Shapetalk Exegesis From The Psychology of Shortcuts

Some thoughts on Shapetalk, partly to edify with exegesis the value of Fibonacci,
and, partly because we keep "Shapetalk" well below the radar of quotidian word use,
pushing the goal to keep Shapetalk websites fairly listed through a repeated set of efforts.
Thus and ergo, the Psychology of Shortcuts trifurcated Shapetalk plan, aiming at true accuracy:

1) Shapetalk is not genuinely an "invention" of the Psychology of Shortcuts ; at most, a thoughtful, poetic innovation.

2) Shapetalk EyeCandy is presented in the many tens of thousands, each within unique MisterShortcut - Psychology of Shortcuts - pages.

3) Shapetalk is, basically, the eyecandy presentation of wisdom coming from masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.

Until you know more than said masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires, invest your attention into "their" Shapetalk,
because these fine role models are the people who create these shortcuts in the times when there are no extant shortcuts.
If we do not get our information direct from the horse's mouth, are we not to be caught at the wrong end of the horse?

What's With The Psychology of Shortcuts And All These Fibonacci Numbers?

"1346269? What's so blooming cool about 134269?"
Why is the Psychology of Shortcuts, and also Psychology of Longevity,
so focused on Fibonacci, and the vaunted power of Fibonacci?
What is the value of building so many fibonacci websites,
(including 354224848179261915075.com AND, .info!??),
right on down this cute 1346269.com?

A great question. First, the "putative." So far, no human who has experimented with Fibonacci and reported on their outcomes has refuted it.
So, set it straight: No opinion has validity, as across the full spectrum of existence, without the experience of repeated experimentation, correct?
There seems to be a universal agreement, from mathematicians and other scientists to even moderately-educated non-professional experimenters.
Everyone who "plays" with Fibonacci by way of including Fibonacci sequences in their work or play, reports a definite difference in achieved results.
Since it does not cost money to involve Fibonacci in your life, begin including Fibonacci numbers where and as you can inveigle them into your efforts.
The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity have involved Fibonacci numbers on many levels, and they are now global arenas of education.

Shortcuts Through Shortcuts

Health Start - Psychology of Longevity

Wealth Index For the Psychology of Shortcuts

Rebound to the top of this Psychology of Shortcuts Fibonacci page

Fibonacci Exegesis - Psychology of Shortcuts On Fibonacci

Dividing any two adjacent Fibonacci numbers gives the omnipresent Golden number.
For example:
34 divided by 55 = 0.618 or, inversely, 55 divided by 34 = 1.618.

The Fibonacci sequence got its name from Filis Bonacci (son of Bonacci),
better known even now as Leonardo of Pisa. Born Leonardo Fibonacci in 1175,
his landmark book on arithmetic, The Liber Abaci was disseminated in 1202.
A standard for two centuries, the book is still considered by many
to be the best book ever written on arithmetic.

The Liber Abaci was his primary vehicle to introduce and demonstrate superiority
of the Hindu Arabic system of numeration in comparison to the long-used Roman System.
Fibonacci certainly merited his high reputation among scientific and mathematics scholars.
His repute spread across Italy, and elsewhere. It was powerful enough to engender quite a contest.
King Frederick II, while visiting Pisa in 1225, sponsored a public competition in mathematics to test Leonardo's skill.
Fibonacci was the only one participating in the contest who was able to answer all of the questions put to the contestants.

You will find Fibonacci most everywhere you look, from teeth to flowers, and so much more.
Even in the Psychology of Shortcuts, as well as you will find Finbonacci.
Just as embracing Fibonacci brings benefits that most of us would never have anticipated before knowing,
so, too, does embracing the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity bring an array of benefits.

What does 1346269 mean to you?
If you attach no meaning.. there is none.
When you tap into the meaning, there is much.
Life is far less about our wants and desires,
as it is a question of our expectations.

Lifting expectations has a delicious way of lifting results.
The Psychology of Shortcuts elevates YOUR expectations.

If you agree to share, you will learn great wealth & wealth.
Your Psychology of Shortcuts Is Wisdom You Already Possess.
Your Psychology of Longevity, wisdom proven by the long-lived.
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiplex levels of usefulness.
If you know to listen, comprehend powerful information, new to you.
Do you see two ears to one mouth meaning using ears twice as much?
These next few minutes of your life are likely to alter you forever. Focus.
When we obtain benefit from new facts, we get to our first level of wisdom.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, let’s remove your limits.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Don’t limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you’ve ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
Each PowerGem is an omnipotent, universal secret of your own Psychology of Shortcuts.
PowerGems stay hidden in plain sight, through all the millions of MisterShortcut pages.
We do not quit, at anything, because we failed. We fail as soon as we choose to quit.
One closing thought about a matter of great import to the Psychology of Shortcuts :
You already know that what goes around comes around, as in “What goes up…”
Click through to TheHungerSite, once for each day you get to live and breathe.
When you save dozens, then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Delight in how profoundly and in many ways your life is quickly enriched.
You need not believe the Psychology of Shortcuts or any one human.
The best way to confirm or deny a fact is to duplicate it repeatedly.
Click through to TheHungerSite and other "Free Clicks" websites.
AnimalRescue and RainForest, ChildHealth, or LiteracySite.
Enjoy for yourself the sweet fruits of imitating champions,
the single fastest path to success in most all that you do
Newton's 3rd law assures that helping more helpless
redounds and rebounds to you, with true precision.


Psychology of Shortcuts Domains - Domaining & Domaineering

Everyone deserves a one-word domain
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More On ShapeTalk Philosophy

Shapetalk is a way to say, one hopes you have a better day.
Shapetalk really means to say, one hopes you MAKE it a better day.
Shapetalk may be witty, although Shapetalk's not so neat,
Still, cute ShapeTalk is a pleasant way for us to meet.
Reach for all your ShapeTalk, find it where you can,
and you'll find that ShapeTalk just may help you,
to become that better man.

Yes, yes, ShapeTalk works for girls, and grown-up ladies, too,
because ShapeTalk is a human thing, it works with one or two.
Ten can call on ShapeTalk, but it's not the same at that,
because ShapeTalk is from me to you,
shall we keep it beneath our hat?

ShapeTalk is a nation where the best come out to play,
ShapeTalk takes us to the place, where we make a better way.
The best are those who ShapeTalk in their lives if not their words,
and they do their best to make it here, in the best of this old world.
Challenge you to ShapeTalk from the inside out, to speak,
all the ShapeTalk thoughts you keep inside,
let the world get it's first fair peek.

Enjoy and learn at the ShapeTalk Capital of the Internet, through your very own Psychology of Shortcuts

More Shortcuts and Shapetalk From The Psychology of Shortcuts

Read between the lines of Shapetalk, and perhaps Fibonacci will begin to make more sense to you.
Study fibonacci from any source you choose, as long as your studying is sincere and energetic.

Shapetalk.info - PowerGems wrapped up in Shapetalk are master secrets of the universe.
Presented by the Godfather of Shapetalk, Mister-Shortcut, to help you help yourself.

Although Psychology of Longevity domains and Psychology of Shortcuts domains tend to rank at or near the top of most search engines and directories,
there is neither wish nor compulsion to unreasonably magnify the true potential value, or the price charged for each of these sweet domains for sale:
Thus, the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity aims to please you with aging domains, proferred at preferred, reasonable prices

$610 for ANY Sweet Domain, Sweeter Domain, or Sweetest Domain
$987 for Any TWO Sweet Domains, Sweeter Domains, or Sweetest Domains
$1597 for Any THREE Sweet Domains, Sweeter Domains, or Sweetest Domains

Humanity is still humanity, thus and so, Fibonacci numbers are subject to negotiating.
Sincerity, by the way, goes a long distance towards establishing some beneficial rapport.
That personal connection, in turn, often returns to you about as much good will as you give.
If YOU are mathematically educated, sufficiently so to recognize 1346269 as a Fibonacci term,
then you find it easy to comprehend why Fibonacci numbers are used in pricing/selling domains.
Vastu experts among you may also recognize why Fibonacci numbers are used in pricing domains.

For those of you who do not know vastu, or know ABOUT vastu, or how fanastically vastu affects your life,
you are recommended to visit any Psychology of Longevity vastu sites to try your first vastu bidigital photo test.

At first glance, there is no apparent connection to be observed between the Fibonacci sequence and vastu.
However, vastu, along with the Fibonacci sequence as well are part of the master secrets of the universe.
Start with the basics. Learn why people are fascinated with vastu, and-or with the Fibonacci sequence.
Pursue any of the many thousands of pathways within the Psychology of Shortcuts, et alia.
Each of them will guide you to wisdom that will yield better, faster successful results,
by way of the wisdom and results of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.

Fibonacci sequence - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Poem

Fibonacci sequence is what we do, Fibonacci sequence is one way to learn great truths.
Even more than Fibonacci, more than ownership itself, is how you feel when Fibonacci,

helps you to help somebody else.

You close the deal.... and end up with more chips, thanks and applause to Fibonacci.

Fibonacci sequence is plenty of fun, and Fibonacci sequence proves you are a thinking somone,
all to show that Fibonacci sequence is a good, making money in the ways that we should.

The shortcuts for Fibonacci sequence are many, especially when Fibonacci sequence with O.P.M.
As you realize, or surely should if you intend to make the Fibonacci sequence a part of your life,
one new Fibonacci fact per day can be more than enough to expand your personal prosperity.
As odd as it might sound, there is no denying the influence of Fibonacci on so much of life.
Since the Psychology of Longevity is most particularly focused on matters of better health,
it is the province of the Psychology of Shortcuts to share "Fibonacci sequence" shortcuts.
So are you welcome when promising to the helpless with our share of your new wealth,
via your Psychology of Shortcuts primer on Fibonacci sequence with OPM shortcuts.
Did you know that Fibonacci can even be a part of success in Fibonacci sequence?
Before taking your next step towards Fibonacci sequence, learn about Fibonacci.
Learn, and also determine yourself, how Fibonacci can be applied for you.
Best of all might be combining Fibonacci and vastu remediation methods.
The more we combine the oldest and newest sciences and technologives,
the more we see Psychology of Shortcuts -level advances in ourselves.
LUCK is acronymic for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Good luck.

Fibonacci sequence - Psychology of Shortcuts Second Poetry Ditty

The Fibonacci sequence, may cause a gawp or three,
where the Fibonacci sequence sprouts out so like a tree,
branches here leading to factors there, factors oft-repeated,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even our colorful language, devolves to but numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts loves the Fibonacci sequence(s),
because they empower focused, intentional consequences,
happy, empowering, helping others to help themselves.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Inside of you resides genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you reject your own repeat mediocrity.
Today you make the tiniest decision to squeeze one more.
One percent of who and what you are is a tiny investment,
one you are certain to be repaid for, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
Some 99 of 100 of your opinions are opinions of those you trusted.
Today, you suspend opinions to listen to more of those who win more.
Whoever you most admire,
stop yammering,
start imitating YOUR champions.

Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and tends to teach the best, to all the rest.
For the next three weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
With many thousands of applications for Fibonacci numbers in your life, get Fibonacci-happy, briefly.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is pleased to introduce the Fibonacci sequence into so many lives. Use it!

Buying Property - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Poem

Buying property is what I wish to do, buying property is a way to make money, true,
but more than buying property, more than ownership, is the way it makes you feel each time,
you close the deal.... and end up with more chips.

Buying property is mighty fun, and buying property proves you are money-making one,
all to show that buying property is a good, making money in the ways that we should.

The shortcuts for buying property are many, particularly when buying property with O.P.M.
As you know, or ought to if you are going to buying property on any type of repeat basis,
is "Other People's Money." OPM, you should know, is the best way to be buying property.
Since the Psychology of Longevity treats almost exclusively with matter of our health,
it is the province of the Psychology of Shortcuts to share "buying property" shortcuts.
Thus are you welcome when agreeing to help the helpless with our share of wealth,
to the Psychology of Shortcuts primer on buying property with OPM and shortcuts.
Did you know that Fibonacci can even be a part of success in buying property?
Before taking your next step towards buying property, learn about Fibonacci.
Learn, and also determine yourself, how Fibonacci can be applied for you.
Best of all might be combining Fibonacci and vastu remediation methods.
The more we combine the oldest and newest sciences and technologives,
the more we see Psychology of Shortcuts -level advances in ourselves.
LUCK is acronymic for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Good luck.

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Set aside mediocrity for as long as you live.
Fibonacci is fun, shorcuts can be even more fun.

1,346,269 is the first time Fibonacci exceeds a million, (after 832,040). That's because of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
By simply observing them, interviewing and breaking bread with them,
you begin to notice that dozens, scores, hundreds, and thousands,
ALL use the same great shortcuts, the greatest shortcuts of all.
Ask more people more times each, you routinely get more yesses.
You do not know a secret more powerful than imitating masters.
Imitate actions, questions, attitudes of those doing it best.
Use of fibonacci sequence is mere gravy to other shortcuts.
Welcome the world of accelerated results, using shortcuts.
134269 is merely a fibonacci opportunity to do even more.


Signore Fibonacci, as he's come to be known

Fibonacci and MisterShortcut Homage To Fibonacci

Whether or not it's true...

that intentional use of fibonacci numbers attracts prosperity,

it IS a scientific reality of life
that fibonacci numbers occur in YOUR life,
more than all non-fibonacci numbers ... combined!!

Count the number of stripes on bumblebees,
seeds on fruits, number of kids in families!

So, while it may or not be true about prosperity attraction,
routine use of fibonacci numbers - on purpose - has merit,
if only because it falls within natural energy rhythms.

Hey! If Nature thinks enough of fibonacci numbers to use them
more than all other numbers in our lives all added together?

Wise person posited that it's not wise to fool Mother Nature.
Psychology of Longevity posits a usefully similar parallel:
"It's not nice - or wise - to fool WITH Nature."

Thus, if there's no purchase required, naught but use of these numbers,
even a remote possibility of tapping into the proverbial universal energy?
Seems a wonderful opportunity to invest more of yourself, exercising memory. :-)

"What? Using 134269 to represent intentional fibonacci use?
How in the world do we use 1346269 on purpose?"

Does it really matter?
When we determine to do something,
we humans magically find ways,
or, brilliantly, create them.

In both of his masterpiece books, Fibonacciaimed higher for himself.
He not only succeeded, he brought all of us to Roman numerals & more.
Multiple centuries after his departure, we pay homage to what he taught.
By pushing himself a little bit more each day, he hit his high points in life.
If you know how to hit those points more surely than raising expectations,
you already own your own Psychology of Shortcuts level of knowledge.
Yet, we see thousands of masters practicing this same singular secret.

Aiming higher in your mind is a significant shortcut unto itself.
You already know we don't always get what we want. Did you know,
we DO, however, have a tendency to get most of what we expect?

It doesn't cost you a dime, nor even any time:
Whatever you do, from tying your shoelaces,
to inventing a technology, ala megacharging,
simply demand an extra one percent from within.
Learn that this works most EVERY time, big shortcut,
a genuine powergem, master secret of YOUR universe.

"Less talking, more doing.
Proof supercedes belief."

TAGGING For Fun and SEO, even if it seems a drag,
we always want people to find PRECISELY what they seek:

Title of the page, does or certainly ought to, includes the following:
(is that an acceptable use of plural? Me editor claims it's just!

Fibonacci 1346269 - Psychology of Longevity Psychology of Shortcuts Fibonacci Domains - 1346269 Fibonacci

Description metatag should include at least some portions of:
1346269 is the 31st (or thirty-first) term of Fibonacci. Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts share and deliver unto you
a number of Fibonacci domains, in the instant case, 1346269. - Use Fibonacci on purporse, ie 1346269, you RAPIDLY attract prosperity. Fibonacci.
Any list of the more important metatags will likely list Abstract. It's fairly considered a biggie:
1346269, Fibonacci terms, prosperity secrets of success, Psychology of Longevity, Fibonacci, 1346269

Do not forget to insert metatagging for page-topic. At 1346269.com, that would mean:
1346269, Fibonacci terms, prosperity secrets of success, Psychology of Longevity, Fibonacci, 1346269 (Yep, keep it that basic)

The metatag for keyphrase will naturally contain something along the lines of:
1346269, Fibonacci terms, prosperity secrets of success, Psychology of Longsssssssevity, Fibonacci, 1346269

At some point, it might also be wise to include at least one mention of the core basics that the page expresses:
(Just for example. Of COURSE you replace these with your own key concepts and phrases,
keeping in mind that a major SEO factor is the number of intelligently-used unique terms. Yes, search engines count them.

Ergo, thine example:
Fibonacci - Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Shortcuts Fibonacci Domains - Mr-Shortcuts and Fibonacci - Empowering us to empower ourselves, with Fibonacci numbers

Describing the site and purpose has been achieved, now back it up from an only slightly different coign of vantage:
"Fibonacci utility and benefits via Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity Fibonacci domains. Where and when we can, and perhaps ought to, use Fibonacci numbers.
Seriously and habitually utilize Fibonacci numbers. Enjoy hyper-productivity, ala Psychology of Shortcuts

Abstract = secrets of success, masters and champions, Psychology of Shortcuts, MisterShortcut

Page-topic content = Using Fibonacci numbers has a particularly powerful, and frequently-immediate positive effect. Sometimes, it is obvious enough to be undeniable.

You do not need to believe anyone or purchase anything to obtain your own good evidence. Just use Fibonacci numbers and you will rapidly see effects.
This is just one of the many master secrets of the universe, hyper-shortcuts, if you will, that work effectively, sweetly, nicely, when repeatedly applied.
For the Psychology of Shortcuts to fully embrace any of countless shortcuts means it has to work approximately every time... or darned close to it.

These are among the secrets of success, the secrets and shortcuts used by masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
We can hardly be reminded too frequently that we invariably profit when paying closest attention to those who do best

If there is a place to, just for example, tuck or make use of 1346269, expressable as 1,346,269, go ahead and do so!
Smaller, more modestly? Fine, no problem, you can start with 121393 or 34, standing out more than 1, 3, 5, 8, etc

Embrace your Psychology of Shortcuts, and the PowerGems found here, and live your life fully, richly.

Fibonacci - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditties

The Fibonacci sequence, might just cause that gasp or more,
when the Fibonacci sequence shows how excellence can perform.
Branches over there, leading to factors where, when the proof is needed,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even the basics of language, devolve to numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts embraces the Fibonacci string(s),
because they empower intentions, inventions, conventions,
such richness of merit of no less than our fullest intentions.
healthy, empowering, helping others to live up as well.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Within you we can find genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you eschew your own deep mediocrity.
Today you make the potent decision to pull up one more.
One percent of who and what you are is a tiny investment,
one you are certain to be repaid for, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
90+ percent of all your opinions are only opinions of those you trusted.
Today, you suspend opinions to listen more to who repeatedly win more.
Who lives the Psychology of Shortcuts teaches the Psychology of Shortcuts.

Whoever you find "worthiest"? Imitate them; THEN refine with your knowledge.

Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and shows to teach the rest how to be best.
For the next few weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
With many thousands of applications for Fibonacci numbers in your life, get Fibonacci-happy, briefly.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is thoroughly thrilled to introduce the Fibonacci sequence into so many lives.

So, here at 1346269.com, we celebrate the thirty-first term of the Fibonacci series.
The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity invite YOU to learn more Fibonacci.
Thus far, only MisterShortcut has been seen, and recorded, reciting dozens of Fibonacci terms.
You could do much worse than investing the effort and minutes to go even beyond that yourself.
How could you possibly know what you can and cannot do until you put yourself into true efforts?
Whatever you have successfully done until now, we can agree that we have not yet seen your best.
Even tiny improvements, when applied to most all that you do, will rapidly awaken the giant in YOU.

Few can incite a wizard into such a lather.
Fibonacci, Fibonacci, is what we'd most rather,
to learn about the magic, that Fibonacci gathers.

Reach inside the numbers, Fibonacci, some, not all,
the secrets in the sequence, is what matters most of all.
For the numbers in this sequence, Fibonacci, one and all,
can lead you where you want to go, reaching for your all.
Never underestimate the power of what you do not know.
Wiser is the person who learns more, and THEN opines,
for opinion without experience is only blatherskite.

Fibonacci, is a string of numbers, revealed so long ago,
yet, Fibonacci, is also, a group of numbers worth the call.
Welcome to 1346269.com, your Fibonacci headquarters.


Fibonacci And Making Choices That May Attract Prosperity
Making Choices - Your Way

Each of us, including you, is making choices in every waking minute of every day.
The simple act of sitting on a chair requires many and complex decisions for us.
We do not actually sit still on a chair, varying muscle tension assures that,
because the body leans to the left, muscles compensate, then to the right,
never-ending, the process of both arriving at and performing a decision.

If you are going to make choices, and arrive at so many different decisions,
many thousands of times per hour in all those waking hours of your full lifetime,
do you see the sense of investing even an extra second into making BETTER decisions?
ASK BETTER QUESTIONS, including those you ask yourself, and get much better answers.

Fibonacci numbers, including 1346269, are included in many Psychology of Shortcuts - Psychology of Longevity corners.
Could and should you find ways to intentionally use 1346269 in your travels, you will be using Fibonacci, intentionally.
Thus does the Psychology of Shortcuts invite YOU to embrace 1346269 as counting among YOUR favorite numbers.
Whether the payoffs crack you laughing, or impress you into silence, it costs you no money to find out, right?
What you know little of, most often, is precisely what you are best served in learning, such as Fibonacci.

You cannot learn less about anything, can you?
Learn more, increase your chance to live more.

Fibonacci is the way, fibonacci is the truth,
and the use of fibonacci, on purpose,
might well finely serve YOU, too

1346269 rocks with fibonacci,
for YOUR personal experience,
as fibonacci rocks with 1346269...

once YOU drink from the fruits of fibonacci,
with that extra bit of love from 1346269,
plus MisterShortcut, & Sr Fibonacci,
and the lovely number, 1346269.

Fibonacci numbers occur more in your life than all other numbers ... combined!
That alone supports a logical promulgation of intentionally using Fibonacci